an arranging tip flower-lovers need to know


Just like many of you, I'm a bit obsessed with fresh flowers.

A few years ago I got rid of almost all my vases and decided to start thinking outside the box instead. And this has quickly become my favorite way to display them...

flower lovers 3

Yep, it's a candle holder. I grabbed several of them awhile back when they were on clearance at Target.

flower lovers

All you do is tape a grid onto the top of whatever large-mouthed vessel you choose or have on hand.

I used this striped washi tape because (once again) the kids have used all my regular scotch tape on one of their projects. Oh well.

You'll notice you can still see the tape a touch after all the flowers have been placed into the holes. But I kind of like it. Maybe it's just that I like black + white matter how it's displayed, haha.

flower lovers 2

 Major blog-tutorial fail...I was so excited about getting all these pretty little flowers arranged that I forgot to take a "during" photo. Oops. My apologies.

Place the shorter-stemmed flowers toward the edges and those a bit longer, toward the center.

Continue filling your vessel until you can no longer see the tape and you'll have a perfectly full arrangement that looks straight out of a magazine!

Don't you love how the tape holds the flowers into place in their own little squares so they don't just flop around?!

flower arranging tips

1 | It's just my personal preference but I typically take off all/almost all the leaves on a stem. If you need the extra fullness, by all means leave it on there. But I like the flowers to be the main attraction and not distracted by the greenery.

2 | Another personal preference is cutting the stems down further than you'd think, enough that they don't show very much. They flowers clump together so beautifully when they're short!

3 | It's easiest if you put water in before the flowers. Especially when using washi tape (which is made of paper)...true to form, water and paper do not mix so be careful or the tape will come right off!

4 | To increase the longevity of your arrangement, make sure to remove any leaves/greenery that will be in water.

stripe - double - pink

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll notice I use this tip...a lot!

(you'll also notice I love pink roses, haha)




