Why a film crew was at our house...


Earlier in the week, I wrote a post on Abreham and all the doors that are opening for him through his newfound love of running.

And I teased you a little about some fun news coming...

Well, this is the news!


A few weeks ago I posted this photo on Instagram, as our new friend Patrick from BolderBOULDER set up his lights, microphones, and cameras {and rearranged our house a little}.

We had SUCH fun with him as he followed us around for a couple days.


Our family has been selected to be one of three highlighted for the upcoming BolderBOULDER race on Memorial Day.

And the Video just went live a few minutes ago.

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So here's the deal...

We need you! And we need your votes {please}!


 This has already opened some pretty amazing doors for Abreham as he's been invited to Media Day, where he'll get to meet some of his Ethiopian running heroes who are flying in for the event, and a few others he has been watching and learning about.

He and Ezekiel have also been asked to ride in the Press Truck, which is the car that leads the race with all the cameras on it, so they have front row seats for the International Race {after they've run their own}.


 The boys have been training really hard and are so excited about the big day. Moreover though, they're excited that the winner of this contest gets to have their video played on the Jumbotron {big screen} in the stadium where the 10K culminates and over 50,000 people will see it.

When we told Abreham this he smiled and said, "Maybe we win and people see video. It touches their brain and it touches their heart, maybe then they adopt."

And that is our hope. We want to win, not for us...we want to win because we are thrilled to be in a position to be able to raise awareness to adoption. And adoption of these amazing older kids.

Here's the link {click here}. We would be honored if you'd share it with anyone and everyone {and you can vote more than once}!

note: you must be at a computer to vote. not sure why, but the link doesn't work from mobile devices.

take joy-signature-new-pink