Hey! It's Teresa

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february (free printable) Bible verse lunch notes

Good morning! Goodness, I still can't believe Valentines Day is only a few days away!

I kept putting off posting these Bible Verse Lunch Notes because I absolutely cannot find the cords to plug in my printer. Sigh...a downside of moving, I suppose.

feb lunch notes 1

I had planned on printing them out and taking photos of them stuck the kids lunch boxes and such. I have gold washi tape and red sticker hearts...and a head full of ideas on how to display them in this post.

But alas...no printer cord. So I'm just going to show them to you like this instead.

feb lunch notes

Aren't they fun and festive? They'll be perfect to tape up on the fridge or on a mirror if you don't have children...or don't want to stick them in a lunch box.

arrow pink

Want to download them??

Make sure you've subscribed to our blog via email (head over to the sidebar and see where to plug your info in).

Both these lunch notes AND the pretty memory verse lock screen (+printable) will be emailed out to you tomorrow!!


take joy-signature-new-pink