february (free) print + lock screen memory verse...and mini Bible study


I spent a lot of time praying about what verse(s) God wanted me to both dwell upon this month, as well as to share with you. And as always, He made it abundantly clear what I was in need to put to heart and memorize: Ephesians 4:2-3.

I'm hoping it's something that He will speak to you through, as well.

In fact...I'm going to be sending out not only this lock screen...but also the verse in a printable format so you can hang it on your wall or post it on your fridge.

So, those of you who subscribe to our blog will receive it on Thursday. And if you haven't subscribed via email yet...head over to the side bar and do it today!


Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love.Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together.

(Ephesians 4:2-3, The Voice)


Rather than typing out the entire couple verses though, this time I wanted to focus on the main themes...

Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Be loving.

To put this scripture into a little more context, Paul urges in verse one, to live a life worthy of the calling He has given to each one of us. He encourages first the Ephesians, and now us, to have unity within the body of Christ. The importance of how we treat one another, whether it's easy or not.


As you look at your lock screen this month and commit it to memory, I challenge you to think about these things... 

. . humility . .

Am I quick to give God the credit for my successes? Big and small?

Truly. Stop and think about it for a second.

Let's ask ourselves, "Do I walk a little taller after someone compliments me on something? Or gives me acclaim? Or even simply acknowledgment of work well done?"

Who do we honestly give that merit to? Ourselves, or God?


. . gentleness . .

How do I come across to others?

Gentleness should be in heart and in action. Even the simple act of how we speak to others (including our spouse or children, when frustrated).

I think gentleness and patience (which we'll talk about next), go hand in hand. I don't think you can have one without the other. Do you agree?


. . patience . .

What is most important to me, my agenda or the life of others?

It's not all about me and my timing and my world. Whether it's our little ones who take 10 minutes in deep effort to tie her shoes when we're wanting to get into the car, or a friend who is lingering longer than you have time for (but obviously needs to talk), step back and look at the moment through His eyes.

It reminds me of a song I learned as a child, "Have pa-tience, have pa-tience, don't be in such a hu-rry. When you get impatient, all you do is start to wo-rry. Re-member, re-member. That God has patience too... so think of all the times when others have to wait for you."


. . loving . .

What is love? What does it mean to act lovingly? Well, it's the above three all wrapped up into one. It's action, it's heart, it's mind frame.

Once again, Paul explains it so well:

Love is patient; love is kind. Love isn’t envious, doesn’t boast, brag, or strut about. There’s no arrogance in love; it’s never rude, crude, or indecent—it’s not self-absorbed. Love isn’t easily upset. Love doesn’t tally wrongs 6 or celebrate injustice; but truth—yes, truth—is love’s delight! Love puts up with anything and everything that comes along; it trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what.

(1 Corinthians 13: 4-7, The Voice) or read the whole chapter here.

(here's another post I wrote awhile back about trust + love)


So enjoy this pretty lock screen this month and onward. But think about what Christ wants us to learn from it.

Let's open our hearts to His teaching as we desire to strengthen and deepen our relationship first with Him...and also to those around us.

take joy-signature-new-pink