Ezekiel's Hair

Ezekiel has been wanting "twists" basically since coming home from Ethiopia. When we brought him home, his hair looked like this, so obviously we had awhile 'till that'd be a possibility.
Ok, I need to stop for a minute and point out the difference between the above and below photos.
It is CRAZY that these photos were taken 6 months apart. Look at his face. REALLY LOOK. Isn't it amazing how much older he looks?!
We heard that kids grow a lot after coming home to be with their Forever Family, but he was already so tall, somehow we didn't think he would grow too much. He looks a year or two older though. Sweet boy is getting healthy. He talks about it, too.
He says, "In Ethiopia I was small because we did not have very much food. But now I'm big because I eat all the time!"
Ok, back to the hair. We cut it several times, but he finally won out in the discussion for twists, so here he is about to walk into the Salon.

I'm so impressed with Ben because he always makes fun of me and my side of the family saying we're like tourists, taking pictures of everything. Yet here he is, taking our son to his first salon...and HE was the one that thought to bring the camera. See? You can teach an old dog new tricks ; )

...and Ezekiel obviously got hold of the camera. That kid is OBSESSED with taking photos. One day maybe this one will be worth big money when he's as big as big as Ansel Adams or Annie Leibovitz.

What a trooper. The whole thing took over two hours. He grimaced his way through the whole thing, not used to anyone tugging on his hair {unlike us girls!}.

Ben was so smart to have taken him to Jamba Juice on the way, and of course not forgetting to load a movie onto his ipad.

What a handsome boy! It has been a few weeks since getting it done and it's starting to look better. Less constructed and his scalp doesn't show as much. He absolutely loves it and keeps talking about wanting it longer. Um....is he wanting dreads?! No thanks kid. You're six. Give your momma a break...one step at a time {have to admit though...he'd look darling}.