Ep 13: Advent: Living in Expectation Like the Women in Jesus' Lineage

 “Being in the world doesn't mean we're surrounded by a Christian bubble who all think, act and look just like us. Jesus is a fan of diversity because he created it.”

Real talk:

Have you ever reached January only to wonder where on earth December went? Or have you felt just a tinge of sadness on December 26th because you feel like you missed the Christmas season (again)? If that’s you, I’m right there with you! Between the holiday parties, family gatherings, cookie swaps, school festivities, and dozens of other things on our to-do list during this season, it’s all too easy to miss the entire reason for it: Jesus. This Advent season, I invite you to slow down and intentionally live in a state of expectation like the five women in Jesus' lineage did years before his arrival.

Let’s not miss it, friends!

In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • Slowing down and soaking in this Advent season

  • The unexpected women included in Jesus’ lineage

  • Living a life of faith-filled expectation as they did

Links to all the things mentioned: 

This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co. The music was produced by Anu Alphonse.