DIY (chemical free) Kitchen Spray


Since this past fall, I've been slowly going through things and working toward having a chemical free home.

It started first with hair, skincare and beauty products for the family.

Lately though it's been cleaning products.

I can't believe how fast + easy they are to make!

And so much less expensive, too!

natural kitchen cleaner


1 tsp Borax

1 tsp castile soap (I love this one)

1.2 tsp baking soda

Essential oils - I use 4 drops lavender, 4 drops lemon, 10 drops thieves

Warm water

Glass spray bottle

natural kitchen cleaner 2

Simply pour all the ingredients in a glass spray bottle and fill the rest of the way up with warm water!

I know, like I said...crazy easy!

natural kitchen cleaner 3

Since this spray sits on our countertop when not in use, I decided to put it in an empty elderflower & rose lemonade bottle (which happens to fit my spray top!).

Why not make it pretty if it sits out, right??

 (Though most of my other cleaning products are in amber colored bottles like this)

natural kitchen cleaner 1

And ohmygosh it smells SO good...

take joy-signature-new-pink