a daddy yesterday. today. and forever. {printable}




Though our 4 kids came to us through different ways {biological & adoption}, meeting each of them was so very special and emotional.

{traumatic birth for anton. i love this photo of ben praying for him as they met for the 1st time}

{emergency c-section for laith}


{meeting baby imani in her orphanage for the 1st time}

{ezekiel didn't even know we were his parents yet}

more on this here

How is it that my children are blessed with the most amazing daddy?

Thank you Jesus, for the father you gave me...and the father you have given my children.

Happy Father's Day, Benny. We sure love you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


After making a pancake breakfast {I will admit, Ben did the cooking} we decided to set out on a little neighborhood adventure.

Well, not so much an adventure, as Ben stealing the kids skateboards and proving to them that,

"I still got it."

Even Imani was impressed at daddy's mad skilz. Or perhaps she was laughing at him because he's 40.

Nope, I'm sure it wasn't that.

What a completely ridiculous & goofy family we have.

We're stuck with 'em...might as well enjoy ourselves!

We were at Nordstrom the other day and Ezekiel really {reeeeealllly} wanted to get Ben a pair of designer underwear {I think they were $40 for one pair} for Father's Day. Sweet buddy. I tried so hard not to laugh at this hideous pair of fluorescent boxer briefs and encourage him that daddy doesn't care about us buying him things. He just wants us to show him we love & appreciate him.


He was skeptical, but loved the idea of doing this:

I love this Fathers Day printable. Wish I could take credit for it {via}

Ezekiel's was less funny than the little guys

and was much more thoughtful, showing his sweet heart.

My favorite parts are:

"My dad's job is to...take care of kids" & "My dad works hard at...taking care of mom"

{Ben, you're doing a great job showing us what's important to you}

Imani thought Ben reading hers was hilarious

I'm not sure who liked the gift more. The kids or Ben. We all had a lot of laughs at the answers.

Like Anton saying Daddy was "157 years old"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We spent most of the day out at Ezekiel's soccer tournament. Yes, another one.

{and yes, his team won the entire tournament...again. yay!}

After coming home and having naps, we decided to fly kites in the park across the street from our house.

Unlike the soccer field, sadly the park had very little wind. But try telling that to 4 very excited kids.


Laith had an especially rough time.

First, every time he ran with the kite, his shorts would go to his ankles...

...and then he ran r.i.g.h.t smack into a pole. Can you see that huge bump?

Thankfully Nana flew in today. Grandmothers make everything better.

Luckily it was the memories we were after, more than the wind.

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and forever...

I'll leave you with these two photos from my wedding day.

They say the main reason a girl needs a dad is to show her not all the boys are like the ones who break her heart. I think that's cute, though it just barely scratches the surface.

Daddy, you are honest, faithful, kind, and loving. You & mum have taught me how to love and have a beautiful lifelong marriage, and so much more than I ever could have learned at school.

God entrusted me to you, daddy...and you have done a fantastic job. I love you.

{take joy}