Easy Bacon & Egg Wreath {recipe} & a big birthday!

Merry Christmas, from our home to yours!
We had a fantastic time on Christmas Eve, first having a fantastic dinner with family & new friends, and then off to the Service at Church.
My dad actually bought Imani her Christmas dress, can you believe it? Thank you again, daddy. She looked beautiful {that flower on her dress was a little project I made...tutorial coming soon}
Christmas morning, Ezekiel read out of the Read & Share Toddler Bible so the Christmas Story would come more alive for the little ones {The Beginner's Bible is also EXCELLENT for younger kids}. He did such a great job, it's fun to hear him read...shocking he didn't even speak english a few months ago!
I usually make Eggs Benedict on Christmas morning, but to be honest, I just didn't have it in me.
So I found this recipe and am in LOVE!
It seriously took me 5 minutes to put together and 17 minutes later,
we were enjoying an amazing egg, bacon & cheese pastry!
I found the recipe here. She calls it a Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Wreath {which is quite appropriate for Christmas anyway}. The above photo I snagged from her blog because I forgot to take one.
The below is my plate before I hungrily consumed it!
Tired little Imani clapped every time someone opened a gift. Precious.
Another example of the box being more fun than the actual gift.
While the younger two were napping, we walked across the street to the park so Anton & Ezekiel could practice their skiing {how many kids get to do that?!}.
They decided to try a jump that some kids had made for their sleds. It took them a few tries, but pretty soon they zoomed right over it & flew into the air!
Not sure how well you can see this, but Ezekiel is a few feet off the ground.
After dinner on Christmas Eve, we had a Birthday Party for Jesus. Red velvet cake with vanilla frosting. I rounded up all the uneaten Candy Canes and chopped them up to add to the filling and top of the cake.  I usually use sparklers on top rather than candles but couldn't find any this year & I had waited too long to go online.
It's really cute how into it they got. Even Imani.
Imani gave us a special gift right before bedtime...she walked!
At almost 18 months, Imani has had next to no interest in the whole thing
{which is weird for us since Anton & Laith walked before they turned one}.
But here she is. Proudly standing. She'd take 4 or 5 steps, stop to dance & shake her booty, and then take another 4 or 5 into the arms of whoever was cheering her on the loudest.
What a great way to end a very special day!
Ahhh yes. These are my children. Can't you just hear the chaos?! ; )
Merry Christmas, hope yours was as much of a blessing as ours.