Chilled Peach + Mint Infused Rose Tea

We're having friends over this afternoon and since I'm doing Whole 30 right now, I won't be serving my favorite Slushy Blush Cocktails.

But I wanted to still serve something fun and refreshing so I started brainstorming what I COULD drink and serve! 

I've been drinking peach and mint infused water all day (major yum!!) and after running to the grocery store for a few items for dinner tonight, I found this amaaaaaazing tea!

After adding a bag of the tea to the peaches, mint, and water, I chilled the glass vessel in the fridge for an hour.

And it is SO ridiculously good! The rose flavor isn't overwhelming, it just feels girlie and special. The combination makes me keep pouring more and more (and since it's decaf and sugar needed...I can pour all I want!).

Try it. It's awesome.

I used a small glass vessel so all I used was half a peach (sliced), eight mint leaves, and one bag of Tulsi, Sweet Rose Tea! Well, and a flower from the garden as garnish. Because who doesn't want to drink rose tea with a bud floating in it?

Let me know if you try it!!

Take Joy,
