Back to School breakfast parties (+ some of my favorite posts)


It's been a little nutty around here this week, has it been the same around your house?

Monday was the first day back to school for the bigger kids.

IMG_3312(Ben & I may or may not have hidden and attacked the boys with water balloons as they walked up our drive after their first day)

...and TODAY little Laith started Kindergarden.

Yes. My baby. I sorta can't believe it.


It was so sweet how Anton & Ezekiel wanted to hug Laith before he joined the rest of the Kindergardeners.

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So...with all this celebrating and Back to School going, we've of course had several Breakfast Parties.


This one was from Monday, when the older three boys headed back to school.


And this one is from today, to commemorate Laith's first day.


I just shopped the house, thinking outside the box as I rummaged through the basement storage area, the kids bookshelves and craft supplies, and bins of party supplies I am constantly filling as I happen onto things on clearance.

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Next week Imani begins preschool a few days a week, which means I'll only have sweet baby Elsabet at home.

I can't quite wrap my mind around that.

BUT I am really excited to get some stuff done that's been simmering in the back of my brain all summer.

The first one is updating our Welcome page and sharing with you a few of my personal favorite posts through the years.

Interested in checking it out? Head over by clicking here.

take joy-signature-new-pink