A gift that reminds your husband that you pray over him daily + GIVEAWAY

Do you pray over your husband daily? Though the years, I've begun underlining and drawing circles around various passages in my Bible that I've coined as "his verses" and pray very specifically using them. I have passages for the girls, the little boys, big boys, and Ben. Each child has a verse that I've hand-picked depending on how I feel the Lord is positioning their hearts.

Ben has been interviewing for a position since November 2015. Yes. Two-thousand-FIFTEEN! We're still jumping up and down that the door has swung wide open in 2017 and he began his new job yesterday. I wanted to get my sweet husband something really special that would remind him daily that God is good and that I pray these specific verses over his life.

With this in mind, our friends at JORD sent him the most exquisite timepiece. You guys, it's so over the top gorgeous. I squealed in delight when they said I could inscribe a message to him on the elegant box it comes in, or upon the watch itself.

I placed the box in his hands yesterday as he readied himself to step into a new season of his life. I love knowing the words of the Lord are close to him. As this new year begins, I thought perhaps your husband would like one as well. Maybe for Valentines Day, or just as a reminder that they're in your heart and thoughts throughout the every-day.

PS And yes they have women's watches, too!! I have major heart eyes over the Rosé and Rose Gold pieces!

Our friends at JORD want to help you get one of these gorgeous watches for your own wardrobe! All you need to do is enter your name and email address here to be entered to win $100 gift code to use at JORD. The best news of all? Everyone who enters will receive a consolation code worth $25.00 at the end of the contest! Contest ends February 28, 2017. ENTER TO WIN $100 TO JORD

My prayer for my husband:

(everything in parenthesis is obviously how I changed the wording to pray specifically over him)

16 I haven’t stopped thanking Him for you. I am continually speaking to Him on your behalf in my prayers. Here’s what I say:

17 God of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, Father of Glory: I call out to You on behalf of (Ben). Give (him a) mind ready to receive wisdom and revelation so (he) will truly know You. 18 Open the eyes of (his) heart, and let the light of Your truth flood in. Shine Your light on the hope You are calling (Ben) to embrace. Reveal to (him) the glorious riches You are preparing as (his) inheritance. 19 Let (Ben) see the full extent of Your power that is at work in (him) who believe(s), and may it be done according to Your might and power.

Ephesians 1:16-19 . The Voice Translation

Take Joy,
