Hey! It's Teresa

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a few of my favorite {christmas} things

I was so excited when I found fresh garland at our grocery store! Since we have only artificial trees in our house, it was a perfect way to add the real Christmas tree smell into our home.

I got several of these beautiful square wreaths from Pottery Barn'safter Christmas sale last year. I'd been eyeing them for a few seasons...I just looked online to find the link and sadly they no longer carry them. Glad I finally bought them when I did

Sweet little Laith {aka Crash} helped me take the outdoor pics. He asked that I take one of him to post, as well. With this little face, how could I say no?!

I used to think you couldn't pay me enough to wear cheerio necklaces or display kids art projects in prominent places in my home. That was obviously before having kids. Now I'd put a spotlight on it if I could!

Loving this art print I got for my birthday {from jones design company } it was a perfect gift especially since I'd been going through Beth Moore's study on Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruits of the Spirit. 

I love using more than just the typical red & green for Christmas. And texture...ooh I love all the texture.

Ben and I were married in late winter with a Winter Wonderland feel {everything was ice blue & silver}. We had green garland everywhere {especially running down the isles of our church} with snowflake and other sparkly ornaments dripping off of them. I love bringing them out every Christmas & thinking back of that exciting day.

Even the kitchen needs a little Christmas joy. Sadly this cookie jar is empty. We're supposed to get a big snow tomorrow so my plan is to round up the kids and make them then! ...and a little hot cocoa & cider, of course.

More decorations from our wedding that I love being able to use every Christmas. Eventually I suppose I'll have to light those birch candles though.

Ben and my Christmas gift from Laith, which he made at school. He wouldn't let us wait 'till Christmas to open it. It's proudly displayed in the main hallway.

It's so hard to find Happy Birthday Jesus stuff {especially that's not SUPER cheesy} this little plate isn't too bad. Anyone know where to find better stuff?

Every year we have a Happy Birthday Jesus party. It's such a great way for the kids to understand more fully what Christmas is actually about, especially since they're still so young.

The boys painted the above nutcrackers for me last year. I found them at Hobby Lobby for just a few bucks but you can get them online here.

Ugh. I hate this ugly chandelier. I think it's never looked so good!

Birch birch birch. It feels so wintery to me. The tree I used as the centerpiece is made of it's bark. Wish I could leave it up all year.

Another sweet treasure from one of my little ones.

Here are a few pictures from last Christmas, just after bringing baby Imani home from Ethiopia. Anton & Laith have loved her from the beginning. This is them kissing on their new sister.

And of course she's wearing Stella & Dot. What little girl is complete without a little jewelry??

I love this photo of Ezekiel that they sent to us from his orphanage. We're so excited about his first Christmas with us this year!