Can these 12-minute videos really change my life?

If you watch these videos AND implement what they suggest...YES!

You can ABSOLUTELY change your lifestyle because so much of what we do stems from mindset. Step out of overwhelm + exhaustion. Step into a life with margin, rest, and slowness. I promise, with intention, it really is attainable.

3 free videos…

to give you a little peek!!


Do you ever get so caught up in your day-to-day life that you forget to take care of YOU?

We all do.

Our cup ends up empty and we can’t figure out just how to fill ourselves back up again…

God wants us to live lighter and enjoy life to the fullest. As a working mom of six, I want to show you there really IS a better way (no matter HOW EXHAUSTED you are). You CAN slow down, lean into living lighter, and take care of yourself: home, body, mind, and soul. Become fun mom again…we’ll get there together.


What do I mean?

You can work through the course whenever it fits into your day!

REAL TALK: But listen, I encourage you to set it into your calendar each day/week. Because as you’ll see once you’re in, each week is sectioned out. For best results, I recommend truly going week-by-week. But again, simply whenever it fits best into your schedule!

In the evening after the kids are in bed? Sure!

During your lunch hour? You bet.

Waking up a tad early? Why not?

However and whenever works best for you. THAT’S the essence of this round of Living Lighter.

We somehow become ok with saying "It's just motherhood", accepting the #hotmessmomculture, and resolve to suffer through. But friend, here’s the thing…we are NOT called to live this way.

We do NOT want our kids watch us “suffer through”.

Yep. I’m In.

confession time

It’s not about doing it all, it’s about doing it at certain times.

We CAN do everything, we just can’t do it all at once.

It’s about doing the right things at the right time.

I'm a working mom of six who has gone from CONSTANT exhaustion + overwhelm to a woman who has more patience, self-care, and rest in my life...

I'd love to show you how you can, too.

You NEED to read this part:

I know it’s hard to spend time + money on ourselves…


But here’s the thing...

We're always signing our child up for a sport, music class, or summer camp...yet feel guilty about investing in ourselves.

Why is that? Why is it so hard for us to take care of ourselves when we take such good care of our people?

As moms, we drive the energy of the home. And if we’re not ok, there’s no way the family will be ok. Like the flight attendants tell us on every flight…we MUST put our air mask on first.

We can’t pour from an empty cup. We can’t drive with an empty tank. And you can’t love well, parent well, and live well when YOU’RE on empty either. THIS is EXACTLY why this course is for you.

Is this the legacy we’re leaving our kids?

We emulate what we see…

and if our kids are seeing a mom who lives frazzled + exhausted, they’ll likely learn to do that, too.

This life of overwhelm and burn-out is NOT the legacy we want to leave our kids…so we need to be intentional to fight against it.

There really IS a better way.

Living Lighter

No more living in the hot mess mom culture

Learn how to lighten your load

Once you're in, here's what you'll receive

Course Access

You'll receive lifetime access to my robust training portal in Kajabi. The 8-week, 8-module program is designed to teach you HOW TO START LIVING LIGHTER instead of burdened by all the things that overwhelm + exhaust us.

We dig deep into areas of life where we get caught up and stuck. I give real-life tips, encouragement, and TONS of how-tos that have made all the difference in my life and our family.

Private FB Community

You'll also receive access to our Private LIVING LIGHTER Facebook page.

Facebook may not be our favorite social media platform…but it is the perfect place for questions, answers, communication, concerns to be shared and for support to be given and gained.

My team and I are inside the FB group every day to answer questions and offer advice. This group acts as your lifeline and favorite hangout!

Group Coaching Calls

This is THE most fun because it's where the magic happens!

Once we kick off, you'll receive a pre-recorded group coaching session every week. Remember, this course is created from my LIVE course where we had Q & As, working in/on your busy momlife. I hope through the screen of your phone or computer, you have the ability to be encouraged by other women in essentially the same place as you. We're all going to grow together!

Bonus Guest Coaches + Content

As part of the LIVING LIGHTER Sisterhood, you will receive bonus materials and training from special guest coaches (!!!) who specialize in areas you'll be excited for growth in (think chef, health coach, breath-work, meditation/prayer, Enneagram professional, spiritual director, etc!)

These are all incredible friends of mine who desire to help you grow even deeper/faster!

I know it's hard to spend time + money on ourselves, especially when time is short or money is tight.

But here's the thing: We're always signing our child up for a sport, music class, or summer camp...yet feel guilty about investing in ourselves.

Why is that? Why is it so hard for us to take care of ourselves when we take such good care of our people?

This is why our tank is on empty.

THIS is EXACTLY why this course is for you.

Living Lighter

The next 8-weeks could change your life…

Ready to do this?!

Learn how to lighten your load

home . mind . body . soul


  • Weeeeellll…technically 8-weeks. BUT since you’re going at-your-own-pace, it can be stretched out or shortened!

    **Although, I recommend not shortening it. It’s important to really ingest and utilize the concepts, not just learn about them. LEARNING is not going to change your life. IMPLEMENTING what you learn, will.

    BUT…don’t get too behind! Grab your phone and set this Course on your calendar like it’s an actual appointment. Make it a priority.

    As my huband says…”are you interested, or are you committed?”

    You keep lifetime access to all of the content, training, and calls. Our 56-day Living Lighter program provides continued support through our Alumni FB page so we can work together beyond the program end date... you’ll always be part of this Sisterhood.

  • Recognizing this is a go-at-your-own-pace course, if you go as the class was initially designed…

    There is one video or (pre-recorded) “Live” group coaching call per week.

    Every other week however, our (pre-recorded) “Live” Coaching Call will be hosted by one of our guest coaches (who specializes in what we're covering that week).

    3-4 additional (pre-recoreded) bite-sized teaching videos are released into the Kajabi training portal each week!

  • Yes, but like any course - you get out of it, what you put into it.

    So, while we offer homework to help guide you through the program, your homework doesn't technically need to be handed in.

    That said, we do use the calls and FB group for accountability, keeping track, and communicating about your weekly goals/tasks/homework.

    Your homework would be watching all the videos, taking notes, digesting, and implementing all you learn!

  • Absolutely! We had a few ladies in our previous LIVE Course who lived outside the USA.

    Now that the Course is go-at-your-own-pace, it’s especially easy to go through the class (you will no longer need to stay up till crazy hours or wake up insanely early for our LIVE calls, lol!).

About the teacher


Swanstrom Anderson

This busy Mama of Six (2 bio + 4 from Ethiopia) is an author, speaker, podcast host, Bible teacher, and entrepreneur. Teresa is a lover of drinks on patios, skiing in the mountains, and decorating both her own home and her Airbnbs around the country.

Teresa has been featured on Proverbs 31, AnnVoskamp.com, and many other faith-based magazines and websites.

Author of five books and Bible studies (several of which have been Best Sellers on Amazon), her study on Philippians, Living for What Really Matters was even an ECPA finalist for Bible Study of the Year. Check Teresa out on Instagram or her popular podcast, Living Lighter with Teresa.