Draw the Circle

40-Day Prayer Challenge


We’ve been going through a really significant family crisis,

and it has DEFINITELY impacted my prayer life…

While tearfully spending time with the Lord recently, it occurred to me that I’m probably not alone and you might be going through some big or hard stuff right now, too….

Maybe you, too, are in a season where you really need to see God move.

That’s when the Lord prompted me to lead a group of women through a book I’ve been praying through:

Draw the Circle — The 40 Day Prayer Challenge, by Mark Batterson

Starting February 1st, we’ll be going through this book together over in my (FREE for now) Living Lighter FB Group.

  • Daily thoughts + prayers

  • Videos

  • FB Lives (so we can connect personally!)

  • Journaling or prayer prompts

  • Who knows what else…we’ll see what God has in store for this group!

this FREE group starts Thurs, February 1st…don’t miss out!

Make sure you purchase the book now, so you’ll be ready to start on Day One!