Hey! It's Teresa

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Prayer...and what hustle ISN'T getting you

I really want you to live a big and bold life, but I don't mean I think you have to hustle and strive. I know that seems contrary to what all sorts of #girlboss Instagram feeds and websites will tell you. Don’t get me wrong, I follow a bunch of them too, because they’re often really inspiring. They make me want to get out there and conquer the world.

But they’re missing something.

Here's the difference between what you see there…and what you’ll find here:

I don't think just a whole bunch of hustle and striving get you to that big and bold life.

Jesus does.

I want you to learn from my mistakes, don't make the same ones I have. I really want you to hear me in this:

When walking and talking with God...take time to LISTEN.


Because it's all about stepping into the RIGHT yesses.

Not ALL the yesses.

I've said Yes to too much and it emptied me rather than filled me up.

The difficulty is, I was saying Yes to good things, great things! But life was too full to take on the BEST things because by the time they came along, I was over-capacity. We need to spend time talking to the Lord and ask Him to use us. Really, REALLY use us. This is how we live big, bold lives without hustling to make things happen.


  • we need to get out there + work hard…

  • yes we need to organize our life…

  • and no, we can't expect things to simply drop into our lap.

Understand what I'm saying though:

"Seek his will in all you do,  and he will show you which path to take."
(Proverbs 3:6 . NLT)

Spend time in silence with Him every day. Turn off that podcast or playlist. Stay away from the TV. Whether you're in the car, folding laundry, walking the dog, or anything else...make room for quiet. Just for a little while so you can hear His "still, small voice" (1 Kings 19:11-13).

Because you know what most of us do? We spend so much time talking to Him that we can’t hear from Him.

Here’s what I mean:

It’s like going to the doctor and sitting on the little paper-covered table, sharing all of our ailments and everything that’s going on. “I’m exhausted, my head hurts, something’s going on with my back, and my stomach….ohmyGOSH my stomach. Oh and my big-toe is bugging me and I feel like maybe there’s something wrong with my knee, too. Think they’re related? I think it’s related. I’m just not feeling great. I’m confused with what’s going on with my body and my throat is killing me…Ok, thanks Doc! Gotta go, see ya!”

Then hop off the table, grab our bag, and head out the door to get on with our day.

That doctor would watch us walk away with the most confused look on her face, wouldn’t she? She’d be like, “Um…HELLOOOOO…don’t you want to know how I can help? Don’t you want to know what you should do to feel better?”

That’s often how we pray! We have to take the time to wait for Him to respond. We need to take away that agenda and just listen.

'Cuz girl. God created you for something really exciting. I just don't want you to miss it because your life is too full and too loud.

What do you think? Are you doing this? How could you change the way you’re praying or living so you can slow down and quiet your heart and mind?

Take Joy,
