Hey! It's Teresa

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why I've not been blogging lately + something I'm proud of

How is it almost Fourth of July?! No seriously...how is that possible?!

I don't know if you're like me, but though it's so very fun having the kids all home for summer...I'm struggling to get anything done!

But that has meant being a little inconsistent with blogging. It's such a blessing to rest within a group of ladies who gets it...thanks so much for being supportive of my putting family before blogging for these several weeks!

If you're in the same boat, release yourself of the stress. If it doesn't have to get done, let it go. My house is a constant disaster these days (which quite honestly is driving me nuts), and there is so much I feel I need to do, but in all honesty, it's ok.

I can hold it loosely for awhile, for the few weeks of summer...and I'm speaking to myself here, too...let's be present with our children.

Yes. Let's.

Another reason I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything is because I've also been approached by several amazing blogs, magazines, and sites to guest post and contribute for from time to time.

Typically I work on my book or blog early in the morning before the family wakes or during nap time. These days though, I'm also attempting to get a few paragraphs typed for these beautiful people who I am so humbled to write for.

For example, today I'm over at The Heart Mag!

You know when you have something you really, really want to say and it's simply not coming out right? That's how I felt with this piece...I worked and reworked and decided to just do a free write and see what happened.

Though I had to edit it down a bunch and get rid of some nonsense I typed in (hah!), it finally evolved into exactly what I was trying to get across.

I'm really proud of the finished copy and invite you to head over and read it, as well!

I’ll admit it: I love beauty.

That’s me. And that’s okay.

But please look at me again. Look closer.

I don’t want you to think that life is always put together and a love of beauty requires loads of money.

Because it doesn’t.

Neither does it mean perfection.

Finding what fills you up is beautiful. Serving and donating your time is beautiful. Honoring someone who is often overlooked, celebrating your child because he learned to tie his shoes…

All of this is beauty full because of how our hearts are positioned.

 Continue reading here.