Hey! It's Teresa

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when you're struggling to get out of a Season

I'm supposed to be working on big project that has a deadline zooming up quicker than I'm ready for. But I wanted to take a minute and pretend we were sitting across from each other with a cup of coffee or something chilled and delicious.

I want to tell you something.


I'm just going to be real honest with you. I've been in a slump. I've been sick and I've been overwhelmed.

And well, I'm afraid to jump back in, not feeling like I have anything to give.

ice cream

This summer I told myself that I would take some time off from blogging so I could be with our kids. So Mommy wasn't working all the time when my little loves wanted my undivided attention.

It was amazing.


We went on two out of state road trips, we had picnics and water balloon fights. We enjoyed lazy afternoons of ice cream and trampoline jumping. We had movie nights in our backyard and went to baseball games.

texas road trip

We did tons of fun stuff where I could concentrate on them fully.

BUT...midsummer, I got sick. And stayed (bedridden) sick for three weeks. Do I feel better now? Some. I'm not having a migraine every moment of every day, but truly... I'm still under the weather, and most days feel like I'm barely making it through.

Have you been there?


I'm going to doctors and homeopaths and am having tests done, hoping it all results in something as simple as, I don't know...a weird allergy or something.

But now that these months have flown by, I'm scared to get back into it. No...scared isn't the right word. I feel like I have a little bit of writers block and nothing I have to say is good enough. Right enough.

fourth of july

That everything I type is like a voice in the wind.

So pardon me as I get back into my passion for writing. My passion for you women and blogging. And all my fun DIYs and parties.

Because I don't feel like me without all that stuff.


I let it go this summer and though I know it was the right thing during that few month season...especially having extra time with our six precious kids...that season is over and I need to ramp back up, put on my Big-girl Pants and remember that Christ put a fire in me for all these things.

What a waste it would be of these God-given gifts and passions if I were too tired or too worried that things weren't perfect and instead did nothing.

I worked with a woman years ago who would always say,

"Imperfect activity is better than perfect inactivity," and it has completely stuck with me.


If you're feeling similar, just know that I get it, girl.

I'm right there with ya.

But let's push through.

Let's position ourselves at the feet of the Throne and remember that we need FIRST to spend time with Him everyday. It's with HIS strength that we have strength. It's with HIS power that we are given passion and life.

Let us remember to give Him our "Firstfruits" as we seek to move past the Season we're in and are ushered into the next.

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More on when my life changed with the concept of Firstfruits here.

More on my Daily Quiet Time here.


Message me or comment below if you're in this place, too. Let me know if you need encouragement or prayer.

If you're reading this, you're not alone.

And aren't you SO very thankful we aren't? xo

take joy-signature-new-pink