Hey! It's Teresa

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Week 1 in the new house (our week in photos)

I'm not gonna lie, it's pure craziness over our way right now.

Boxes. Dirty clothes + no way to wash them. Stray items that we somehow "need" but don't yet have a home. I've done so many loads to Goodwill, they know me by name. Ok, not really...but wouldn't that be fun?

Last Thursday night was our first sleep at the new house.


Adding to the insanity of that evening, my girlfriends and our families made dinner and fellowshipped with families in the incredible program with Joshua Station. Truth be known, they cooked. I served and chatted...and then realized I had left Ben and the little girls at the old house without a car. Nice.

 I can't wait to take our kids back though. The organization is fantastic.

A few days later, the kids started their first day of school at their new elementary.


My loves were nervous and a certain big kid was REALLY upset about the move. But sometimes you gotta do what's right. Not necessarily what's easy. And a six minute walk to the new school (yes, I totally timed it) just makes more sense than driving to the old one whose neighborhood we don't even live in anymore.

But God went before them and completely paved the way.

I saw Ezekiel at recess playing as I walked Laith to his PM Kindergarden later in the day. There were about 20 boys surrounding him as they played football. Two boys walked home with him, one did homework at our house that day, and two more swung by later in the evening to see if he wanted to play.

Thank you, Jesus.


Anton realized as he settled into his new classroom that his good friend from preschool and on a past soccer team was in his class. A sweet boy, who he really enjoyed and had simply lost touch with.

Thank you, Jesus.

Laith is settling in well with a teacher who is really excited about challenging him. Since he's only in Kindergarden, he won't be in the Gifted + Talented program officially for awhile...but Laith's new teacher is good friends with his old ones and has been fully informed on our sweet buddy's idiosyncrasies and strengths.

Thank you, Jesus.


Tonight we officially become the Wyldlife House (Young Life for Middle School) so I swung by Goodwill yesterday for a little more seating in our new rec-room. I found two awesome couches and a basketball hoop for $45 total. I know, SCORE!


And Ben just finished putting together the ping pong table my brother and sister gave the kids for Christmas.

It's all coming together. Slowly.

Maybe a bit too slowly for me.


But we're LOVING it so far. We're walking everywhere, finally enjoying a backyard, and meeting some really friendly neighbors.

Thank you, Jesus.

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