Hey! It's Teresa

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we're more than "just a mom" + how to expand our globe

While training with my boxing coach awhile back, we were chatting about needing to expand our globe. She was referring to our bodies - range of motion, endurance, that sort of thing.

But it impacted me in an entirely different way...I realized that's exactly what I was trying to do with my life.

Here I am, a mom. A mom of a whole slew of kids and it'd be so easy to get into the mode of simply being mother.

Now let me stop here. I love being a mom. L-O-V-E it. BUT that's not all I am. And I need to show my children that there is so much more to me.

If you're a mom, you'll likely agree...it's sometimes hard to get out of that mode.

As Carrie (my coach) puts it...

"When we are born, we have no edges to our physical (imagine standing in the middle of a bubble and how far you can reach/kick/squat) or emotional globe."

"Through trial and error and life experience, our globe develops"

"If we don't continue to stretch the boundaries of our globe (both physical and emotional), our globe gets smaller and more rigid. Less adaptable."

I don't want that. I don't want a small globe.

I want my kids to see a woman who is always seeking to cultivate growth, amplifying myself to be the person God created me to be.

An individual who doesn't become too comfortable in life, but one who helps our children to understand it's ok to go outside our comfort zones and try something new. That learning truly is fun.

So I don't let myself get too comfortable. I'm always taking classes, whether for visual design, learning how to become a better writer, learning hand lettering, a few seminary-type courses, as well as challenging myself to things like you see in some of the photos above.

The Spartan Race, Goruck (light) challenges, dirt biking with my boys, half marathons, and even things like boxing are all completely and totally outside my little bubble of comfort.

There have been days where I've gotten up at 4:30am just to log on to my computer and do a few tutorials and online videos to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator.

I was exhausted yes. But my cappuccino (aka my best friend, Coffee) was warm in my hand and I felt like I'd accomplished something by the time the first child woke up and sleepily wandered downstairs to find me.

Here's the thing...

I want them to see me laugh with my friends, to work hard on something, to be challenged and maybe even intimidated by something...but persevere and show bravery through it.

I want them to see me reading for enjoyment, studying my Bible, and showing kindness and generosity to others.

I want them to see me love someone well.

I want to model behavior that will show them I'm not perfect, but I'm seeking to grow.

Just as I expect them to grow and develop in who they are.

I'm not listing any of this to say, "Hey! look at me! I can do it all!"

Because as you know by various posts on social media and blogposts like this one about being weary and worn, that's SO far from the truth!

But I genuinely feel there is some sort of happy medium. It's important for me to not lose who I am.

I'm more than just a mom.

And if you're a mom...there's more to you, too! Your children need to see that.

Your husband needs to be reminded of it.

Even your friends (especially the ones who don't have children) need to see it.

Truly, it has refreshed my soul, knowing that I can be the best mom I can be, while continuing to grow in who I am as a woman.

Go find something that intrigues you or that you're passionate about and do it! You'll be so proud of yourself that you did.

Start slowly if you need to!

Instead of...always reading a brainless fiction, try a biography or historical novel.

Instead of...watching junk tv, watch something you'll learn from.

Instead of...spending too much time on Instagram or Pinterest (guilty), take an online class.

Instead of being intimidated...go for it!

We're not just moms. Plain and simple.

We all know there's SO much more to us.

Take Joy,
