Hey! It's Teresa

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want to join our (virtual) book club?

virtual book club

Whether you're a mom or busy career woman, you may not think you have enough time in the day to read a book.

But oh how you WANT to!

Believe me, sister...I've been there. Lately I've been teaching myself to unplug a bit more though, and in doing so, I've realized I actually have a few moments here and there to engross myself in the pages of something longer than a magazine!

Does that appeal to you?

For those of you who want join me in challenging ourselves to put down the remote or smart phone...and instead snug into our favorite chair with a book, lets do this!

how it works



At the beginning of each month (or a few days before), I will share the book we will be reading so you have enough time to buy, download, or check it out from your local library. It may be faith-based, it may not.


Read the book, or as much of it as you can…if you don’t finish it, don’t fret! This is supposed to be fun, not another thing that stresses you out.


At the end of the month we will host an online discussion of the book, just as if we were sitting together in one of our homes. Bring your coffee drinking self and join-in!

We’ll simply chat through the Comments section of the post that day and talk all day long. I’ll facilitate with some questions and my impressions of the book…but topics can jump all over!

*If you’ve already read the book, feel free to swing by and share, as well!*


book club here

I’m really excited about getting to know you as we have community with one another!  xo

green books

book buddies

take joy-signature-new-pink