Hey! It's Teresa

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we're REVISING the 4 gift rule this year {+ printable gift tags}

Ben and I have been mapping out what to get the Crazies {aka our kids} for Christmas and decided we needed to change things up a little.

{as you know, for several years we've done the Four Gift Rule, I've also talked about it here}

scrolly - rose

We decided that rather than giving them all "Something you Need", we'd love make a memory with each of them and take them on a special date.


We do our best to have one-on-one time with each of the kids at least once a month {Anton always wants to go to a restaurant with tablecloths. "One you have to be polite at," he says}.

But having six kids, it's sometimes hard...and I know they all crave individual time with us.

{we crave it, too!}

something to do

And I'm so excited about it!

the revised four gift rule

{click here to download gift tags}

squiggles scrolly - rose

Because Abreham is our budding artist and wants to see some galleries, we'll take him downtown to the Art Walk.

Ezekiel, our sports fanatic will be thrilled to attend a Denver Outlaws {lacrosse} game.

Anton will be getting his eardrums blown out at the Monster Truck Rally.

Imani & Laith both get to be enchanted by Disney on Ice.

Baby Elsabet...well, next year she'll get this one.


what do you thinkIs it something you might do, too??

take joy-signature-new-pink