Hey! It's Teresa

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quick + easy diy Thank You notes

thank you notes 9

For those of you who haven't heard...last week was a tad bit scary.

Our sweet seven year old Anton, was in a bicycle accident on his way to school and lacerated (tore) his liver.

After a day and a half in the PICU over at Children's Hospital, he was finally moved to a regular room, where he stayed for another several days.

Anton hospital

Through it all, we SURE felt the love!!

So many sweet friends provided childcare (since no one under age 13 was allowed to visit), surprised us with meals, and gave tons of Legos, games, and toys to keep him busy.

a lot

So that's what Anton & I have been working on today...except he took all my cards.

Anton thank you notes

Since no part of me wanted to gather the kids and head out to the store to buy more, I thought I'd look around the house and see what I could use from around here.

the idea

thank you notes 1

(Don't you love all this color?!)

thank you notes 8

I found these cute pool colored tags at Paper Source awhile back and thought they'd be the perfect base for my cards.

Grabbing my favorite striped washi tape (remember how I used them on my business cards?), I pulled it across one edge.

thank you note 2

I had a hodgepodge of sticker letters...but not enough in any color for a full word. So instead of scrapping the project, I made it look intentional by combining the two.

thank you notes 3

 Adding the ribbon through the silver eyelet was as simple as folding it in half, stringing it through to the back.

thank you notes 5

Then sliding the ribbon through the open loop...

thank you notes 7

 ...pulling it tight, arranging it so it looks just right.

thank you notes 6 And that's truly it! I wrote my thank you messages on the back of the tags and stuffed them into envelopes that just happened to fit great!

There ya have it...two second thank you notes...that look extra special.


take joy-signature-new-pink