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my FAVORITE end of school tradition


I posted this last year...but it's truly such an end-of-school highlight, I wanted to share it again!

What we do on the last day of school is hands-down my favorite family tradition.

I'm not sure how many years ago I thought of it (maybe three or four?)...or how it came to be...but as the kids walk home from school, we pelt them with water balloons.

Those of us who are home wait outside, all sweet and unassuming.

Maybe even hide behind bushes or trees.

And POW! A full on war breaks out.

Since we have kids at three different schools, this fun battle happens a few times, depending on when their last day is.

It's kind of like a Jack-in-the-Box. You know it's coming...but it still gets ya every time.

Every year I struggle actually making the water balloons though.

I prefer getting the biodegradable ones, but they're so thin, they snap and break faster than I can fill them.

Ben though, found these on Kickstarter awhile back and hallelujah they came in the mail just in time for our yearly water balloon fight!!

Can you see how cool this is?! The balloons are all attached to a thin plastic straw and you just screw the end into the hose. Once the balloons are filled, they simply pop off the straw and are all ready to go!

(and yep...still biodegradable!)

Amazing. I hope these people are making millions.

Do you have a favorite end of school tradition at your house?!

If not...you're welcome to steal ours!!

Take Joy,
