Hey! It's Teresa

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melkam gena

Melkam Gena!

Our Christmas celebration may have been weeks ago...but Ethiopia celebrates it in January because they go by the Julian Calendar.

Do you remember my post from last year? We had such fun with the amazing Ethiopian community we're blessed to be part of.

And this year may have been even more fun.

Here is our Gena {also Genna} celebration via Instagram...

As we walked through the doors, we were met by a bunch of beautiful high school aged Ethiopian girls who helped us all write our names on our name tags in Amharic.


The boys had all vanished to play with the other kids so I was left to do them all myself.

As I finished I asked proudly, "whatcha think??" to one of the girls.

She laughed slightly and said, "ummmmm kind of."

That's what I get for getting cocky. Geez that's a hard language!


Last year, the kids were all about learning the Ethiopian games, and such.


This year, it was ALL about the coffee ceremony.


They probably sat with those ladies close to an hour learning all about it.


Anton r.e.a.l.l.y wanted to drink it. Straight up black.

No sugar, no milk.


After the 1st sip, he looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"I love it!!!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"ohhh noooo." I thought in my head.

After the 2nd {larger} gulp, he made the face I expected. "eew. no. gross."



Imani meanwhile, thought she was a princess at an Ethiopian tea party as she daintly sipped her warm milk.


Sweet little Laith is my non-adventurous one. Food & drink wise anyway.


I was floored when he decided to try the injera with chili sauce {that for him was spicy}.


He loved it so much, he patiently waited in line {several times!} for more.



So super proud of him.

I refuse for our kids to not love Ethiopian food. It's too amazing not to adore.


After several hours of play & filling our stomachs, we were tired.


What a fantastic day. So providential to have moved to the most incredible city who is also home to the 2nd largest Ethiopian community in the US.

We didn't know that when we moved to Denver...

but God sure did.

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