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Let's Party Like Girls (the importance of friends + inspiration)

If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you probably noticed there was a little party over our way this past weekend.


(inspiration photo via Ashley L Beyer)

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Do you ever get so caught up with life...trying to be a rockstar mom and best wife ever, keeping up with school activities, sports, volunteering, Bible Study, work, laundry, carpooling, grocery shopping, more laundry, the never-ending house clean up...that you wake up one morning and realize, FRIENDS!

Do I even have friends anymore? I need girl time!

I need adult conversation and to shower and put on those heels I used to wear all the time. I need encouragement from my people!

So been there.

That was me a few weeks ago.

 So I decided to have a party, for no reason at all except I needed to see my people. I needed some time to connect. And I really, really wanted to love on them and for us all to be surrounded by a whole bunch of pretty. I wanted it to be all about us...just for one night.

A party...just for us.

Let's Party Like Girls Invite - front

(cake photo via The House That Lars Built . I placed the text on top)

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It kinda circles back to our book club selection this month (The Best Yes), don't ya think?

Yesterday I was reading our book and came across this quote...thought it was so appropriate for where I've been lately.

"I challenged (her) to simply pay attention to what was right in front of her. Had she seen indications that she and her husband needed a night together? Or had she seen that she needed to have some girl time and the invigorating conversation with friends? What had she seen as the strongest indication right in front of her lately? 

Pay attention to that."

My Best Yes was reconnecting with my people. Are you feeling that, too?

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Over the next few weeks, I'll share with you:

Simple DIY's I used at our party, a fantastic drink recipe, decor sources, and photos from our  fun night!!

...just in case you want to celebrate your friends and have a little party, too.


(inspiration photo via The House That Lars Built)

Want some inspiration?

Head on over to our Let's Party Like Girls Pinterest Page!

Let's Party Like Girls - pinterest

Can't wait to hear if any of you throw your own Let's Party Like Girls party! xo

Because sometimes we need a party for no reason other than to stop, enjoy one another, & reconnect.

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