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kids & chores: making folding fun

Ok so I've gotta be honest with you...this is complete manipulation.

What is my most hated chore? Folding clothes. Hands down.

folding clothes

So what happens when you're doing laundry for EIGHT people and you want to cry every time you take a load out of the dryer??

You head over to the Container Store {pssst their Happy Organized Home Sale is still going on} and purchase a gadget. Typically I hate gadgets and like doing things the "good 'ol fashioned way" but in this case, bring on the gadget.

{there are adult & kid sized ones so everyone's clothes can be perfectly folded & organized}



This afternoon the kids were fighting over it. Ahem...yes, I said they were fighting over folding clothes {best fight EVER!}.

I've mentioned before that our children are having to hold more responsibilities these days now that we have so many little ones. This is an example of something I'm {giddy about} giving them. Not completely giving them, of course...but lets just say they won't be going to college and have no clue how to do it themselves.

I've been looking to hire a high school girl or somebody to help out with the folding, but have yet to find anyone {do you know anyone??}. So here's me trying to offload it onto my little Crazies instead.


Anton was even {perfectly} folding my jeans. Love.

{if the video isn't working, please click here}
He asked me to take this video. Not sure if he was more excited about being on my YouTube or actually wanting to show you how the thing works, but at any rate... you can see that even a child could do it! 
I now have half a load folded, ready to be put away. I suppose I'll pour a glass of wine, find a good show, and spend the rest of my evening cozying up to my FlipFOLD. 
Just kidding. Kinda.
* these opinions are completely my own, I was not paid by FlipFOLD in any way {though I wish I were!}.
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