Hey! It's Teresa

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instagram, a giveaway, + growing yourself

Remember awhile back when I posted how to make your Instagram photos better? Well, this past year, I have fallen in deeper love with this form of social media and quite honestly have met some pretty amazing friends through it.

Not only is IG a great way to meet like-minded people, but it's a huge platform builder for small business owners, bloggers, and really anyone wanting to grow a following.

But sometimes it's hard to know where to begin or what strategies work best...we're busy, we want to make sure we're spending our time wisely, and receiving the best ROI (return on investment), right?!


Well guess what?!

Meagan Ready + Stevie Cruz have teamed up to teach us how!

Enter a really awesome guide called, Instagram 101: A Photographer's Guide to Marketing on Instagram.

Ok ok...you're not a photographer? Me neither. It doesn't matter, it's truly for anyone.

And it's fantastic.

blossom guide

In this guide we learn...


It's like they've ridden in on a white horse and with the sole purpose of teaching anyone (yes, even if you're a complete novice) how to use this great form of social media.
And because we all love to win + get things for free...
TO enter, head over to Instagram...
1. Follow HugsandPunches
2. Follow @blossomguides
3. Share on your feed
4. Comment on the photo on my IG page that you've completed "both"
A winner will be chosen (using random.org) on Monday!
Stay tuned!!
The small print...
Join our Group // When purchasing this guide you will also be invited to join a community of fellow Instagram users in our private Facebook Group. In this group we will share tips and updates every week with small video clips, additional tutorials, pictures and more. You are cordially invited to join us here, an email invitation will be sent today. 
Mutual Support // The photography community is about mutual support and what better way that to see others who have taken this plunge into the Instagram marketing campaign. Find others by searching hashtag #InstagramGuideBlossom and make sure to use this hashtag on a few of your posts so others can find you as-well.
take joy-signature-new-pink