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How to Create Globally Minded Kids + Free Printable

Last fall, my friend Krista Gilbert asked if I'd like to be part of something she's calling Mom Dare.

What is the Mom Dare?

Click here for more info, but here's the jist of it!

  • 12 days of 1 minute dares for moms of faith (even moms have one minute)!
  • A special interview with a different blogger/writer every day.
  • Free printables and ideas.
  • Encouragement for the journey of motherhood.
  • An invitation to be a part of an exclusive Facebook group for the Mom Dare where you can ask the writers questions, and receive feedback.

Doesn't that sound amazing? Sign up here...it's already begun!

My day is all about how to have Global Conversations with our kids and will go live May 12th (Thursday)...complete with video interview, free printable, a little challenge to get conversation going in your family, and tips on how to raise children to be globally minded!

I'm not going to share eeeeeverything with you today...but thought I'd give you a little sneak peek on a portion of it, by giving away the printable + tips on how to involve your kids in feeling like they're not too young to make an impact on the world.

Because when children's hearts are changed...the world can change.

Just think how gaining both a selfless + servant's heart early in life can affect the next generation!!

Ok here we go...

Idea # 1: Hold a shoe cutting party

Have you heard of Sole Hope? This husband/wife team moved their family to Uganda (and started a fantastic ministry) when they realized how a little bug called jiggers are the cause of massive foot-related diseases! The sad reality is many children and adults don't have shoes and are massively impacted by the disease these yucky little bugs impart on them.

Watch a video of the difference they're making here. But heads up...the content is a bit graphic, as you're seeing heartbreaking images of feet with jiggers. But seriously. If you feel appropriate, show this video to your children. Help them understand how they can personally help!

Dru and Asher Collie came up with the most brilliant way for us here in the US (or wherever) to make a difference and help save feet...

By ordering the template from their site, we can gather our family together and cut up our old/used jeans and send them the pieces...from which they make shoes!

Put on the family's favorite Pandora station and order some pizza, or something. Make a party out of it!

Find out more here!

Idea #2: hold a Facebook (or real) Garage Sale

When our son Anton (6 years old at the time) came home from meeting two of his newest siblings in Ethiopia, he came home changed.

Having seen woman and children on a Water Walk, Anton decided he wanted to raise money to build a well so children could have clean water in their village, rather than walking for hours each way (every day!), he decided to take matters into his own hands. Gathering his toys together and selling them, he was able to put the money toward building the well.

Click here for the full story ....and to see how Anton held his own online garage sale.

Through it, our six-year-old's eyes were opened to the fact that though he's young, he could help raise money and make an impact!!

Contribute the money toward something on your child's heart. Whether toward a clean water, like our son...or something that may be impacting their little hearts!

Idea #3: Buy Animals through World Vision

Remember that beloved quote from the movie Field of Dreams: If you build it, they will come?

Well, it can totally be applied here! Put your heads together...dream with your children. Because if you dream it and build their heart for it...they will be globally minded forever!

Show your children World Vision's website where you can buy animals to be given to a family or even things like fishing lessons and equipment.

Some of these animals cost as little as $25! Totally doable for a little one!

Brainstorm together...perhaps they could do a bake sale or have a lemonade stand. Maybe they could wash your car and grandpa and grandma's cars.

The ideas are endless...have fun with it!

Our teenaged son has even created his own watercolor paintings of Africa and we've sold them, using the money toward a charity that was dear to him.

Free Printable:

I wanted to create something pretty, that you could print out as a reminder that because of the love and vision we instill into our sweet children...they will be bold and impactful adults one day.

And gosh how that makes me smile. I bet it makes you smile, too.

 (I printed onto matte photo paper, but card-stock works great, as well)

Now go...gather up your kids and expand their world-view!!

Take Joy,
