Hey! It's Teresa

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Friday Five v. 2

In case you've forgotten what Friday Five is...

There are times I just really want to share things with you when I happen onto funny or inspiring Instagram posts...or yummy looking recipes on Pinterest...or a super cute pair of shoes I found online. You know, the fun stuff you text your best friend about.

So I do a post from time to time called Friday Five...which is five things I've come across that week that I loved or wanted to share!

Here are this week's Five!


I'm in the middle of reading this book and it is so stinkin' cute!! If you need a sweet read, this is totally for you!

Here's a review from Amazon:

Charlotte Malone, the owner of a successful bridal shop in Birmingham, Alabama, believes the "right" dress finds its bride, not the other way around. But Charlotte can't find a dress for her own upcoming wedding. When she discovers a beautiful hundred-year-old wedding gown in a battered trunk with a welded lock, she’s compelled to uncover the mystery of the dress and the three women who wore it. Eleni Pappageorge's light, airy voice fits this lovely story of faith, mystery, and magic. Her Southern accents are convincing, and one can hear a smile in her tone. Although her portrayals of the story’s elderly female characters are sometimes a bit “gushy,” they simply add to the charm.


An interior designer friend is helping me with a fun office redo. The words I gave her are: Playful, Clean, White (with pops of color), Creative, Full of Story

Want to see my pinboard for it?! I can't wait to start painting!


I just sent the final FINAL draft of my book in to my editor in yesterday!! It's currently at the printer! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

And shhhhh...Presales have officially opened on Amazon. But we're not really announcing that yet because we're going to do a bunch of fun gifts for those that DO preorder and we haven't announced those yet. Stay tuned!


Some super sweet friends gave me a gift last night during the planning meeting for our Women's Conference and I'm just over-the-moon about it. They had gone in on it together to remind me that even though Abreham is no longer living with us, he's still ours...and we're still his. That family is forever. Isn't it amazing and thoughtful?

And doesn't it SERIOUSLY look like all of us?! Even the outfits and hair are either things each of us wears in real-life or we would wear!

Want your own? (of course you do) Click here for Nicolle's shop!


Speaking of sweet and sentimental, I'd happened on to some tear-jerker videos this week while looking for inspiration on a project I'm working on.

Take a look at some of these (sob).

Moms...grab a box of kleenex for this next one.

The kids are off from school today so we're headed to our favorite Ethiopian place for lunch...gotta go! If you're ever in Denver and decide to try it, totally get the Doro Wat. You can thank me later.

Enjoy your Friday and the beauty of the weekend!

Take Joy,
