Hey! It's Teresa

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Ep: 7 Time is Elastic

 “Here’s the thing: time is highly elastic, and it will stretch to fit what we put into it.”

What if I told you that you have 168 hours to spend every single week?

Although that may feel impossible, it’s true! In fact, even after subtracting 56 hours for sleep and 40-50 hours for work, that still leaves over 60 expendable hours each week.

So why do we feel like we’re spread so thin? Why don’t we ever seem to have time for the things we want to do? It all depends on how you plan to spend those free hours. Time is elastic – we stretch it to hold the things that matter most in the moment.

So if the way you spend your time is not reflecting your priorities, you may need to allow those priorities to dictate how you spend your time. Living lighter requires intentional planning to craft the life you want. You can do this!

In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • How to find more free hours throughout your week

  • Taking baby steps toward your larger goals

  • Practical ways to better manage your time

Links to all the things mentioned:

This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co. The music was produced by Anu Alphonse.