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Easter & Oven Baked "hard boiled" Eggs {recipe}

Happy Easter {a day late} from the Anderson family!
Though Ezekiel hasn't been home quite a year, this is his 2nd Easter with us.
I tried explaining to him yesterday that Easter Sunday falls on different weeks, depending on the year.
He just looked at me like I was an alien. We moved on quickly.
Anton really r.e.a.l.l.y wanted me to put this one in.
{he's making a heart in case you can't tell}
sigh. mhm. sticks.
Way more interesting than sitting still for a photo
darling girl.
I thought perhaps I could get them all smiling if I had them race.
This is right before laith completely bit it and rolled down the hill.
Sweet family.
Imani was obviously over picture taking.
 love the sticker from church {and the chalk-covered hands}
but what's with the punch?
I love you too, buddy.
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. last easter . 
Anton, ever the people pleaser trying to make others smile.
Can you see how t.i.n.y Ezekiel is?????
He'd been home only a hand full of days and spoke about that many english words.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Easter party at our sweet friend Brandy's house {miss you}.
yes, I'm a broken record. How is this one year ago?  Remember, this is how he looks now...
{today is his 7th birthday by the way. been grieving for his mom since I woke}
{what an amazing group, sure love & miss you}
{thank you Jesus for dying so we can live.}
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. recipe . 
I hate making hardboiled eggs, I can never get it right. How long do I put them in for?
Wait. Add salt or baking soda? Huh?
Too much effort. I usually just buy them pre-done at Costco.
But this year I found a recipe to bake them.
easy & effortless!
Simply place them into a mini-muffin tin for 30 minutes at 325-350 degrees.
When done, place into a bowl of iced water.
They came out perfect aside from a few brownish spots that disappeared in the water
We wrapped rubber bands around the eggs once they cooled & stuck hole enforcers on others.
{gotta be creative when I didn't feel like running to the store}
They turned out pretty darn cute!
Notice there aren't many in our bowl? I had to cut the 4 kids off...they ate 17 hardboiled eggs.
Yes. Seventeen. Gross.

He is risen!!