Hey! It's Teresa

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closet tips from a professional stylist


Today I'd like to introduce you you to my sweet friend & mentor, Jill Kalkman of Your Denver Stylist.


Jill led a successful 10 year career at Nordstrom where she earned multiple awards as a Personal Stylist and truly fell in love with styling customers of any budget from head to toe.

She has since gone out on her own and gives a new approach to viewing our bodies & ourselves by how we dress.

we are lucky


. 1 .

Switch hangers and make them all uniform.  I am a fan of the felted hangers

(Costco, $10 for 35)


You cannot see all there is in your closet when things are jammed in there!  Felted hangers are super low profile so clothes just look better (especially in smaller spaces).

. 2 .

Take 2 trash bags in your closet.  One dedicated to throw away and one to donate.  No one needs 10 pair of black pants.  If you can't remember when you last wore it, give it up!


Time to get rid of the XXL sweat shirts or sweat pants that your husband wore in college.  No one looks pretty in that.  Think about how you felt last time you wore an item.


If you didn't feel good or don't feel good as you try it on, get rid of it.  This is hard, but so good.  Give yourself permission to let go of past mistakes.  We all have them.

. 3 .

Make a pile of clothes that need to be altered and then bring them to the best tailor you can find.  You will never wear something when the hem is falling out or it is too big.


We feel best in clothes that fit us perfectly!   Keep in mind proportion as you try things on.  Does the skirt need to be a little shorter to make it work perfectly?

. 4 .

Organize clothes by item and then by color.  Do you see a pattern?   This can be good and bad!  Don't keep buying the same thing.


. 5 .

Get inspired!  Our style is always evolving.   Look in magazines and Pinterest.  Check out blogs and look at mannequins in your favorite store.   Find a stylist!  Most important, stay true to who you are.


teresa's tips



Boot shapers have made such a difference in our closet. I love that they stand up straight and aren't in a messy pile.



Shoe trees help keep nice shoes in shape {we get ours here & here}.



Keep everything labeled and pretty so you know where it all is.



Use certain items every day? Leave them out, with like items together.


For example, Ben keeps his collar stays, cuff links, & shoe horn near his dress shirts and shoes. Use things from around the house to display it {like this silver sugar bowl}.



Having a hard time knowing what to get rid of?

A couple times a year, turn all your hangers to hang the opposite way {see above photo}. As you wear the items, turn them back around to hang correctly. It's an easy sign what pieces you never wear & can clear out!

. . . . . . . . . . .


I hope you're inspired to go through your closet and do a little spring cleaning & organizing!

What's your favorite tip?

Don't forget to follow Jill {Your Denver Stylist} on Facebook!

Definitely 'like' it even if you don't live in Colorado...it's chock-full of styling tips, ideas & sources on where to shop!

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