Hey! It's Teresa

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balance amidst the busy

Hey friends! I'm over at Glow:Live as Light today. Here's a little teaser of the post! xo

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As I sit at my desk in the kitchen, attempting to work, I watch through the window as our preschool-aged girls play in the backyard.

In a gentle, rhythm-like cadence—almost hypnotizing—their dark little knees pump as they go higher and higher on their beloved swings. Abandoned only a moment later, the swings hang discarded, still swaying back and forth, awaiting another ride.

Onto the slide the girls climb, giggling sweetly together, as they often do … and then the little one, the two year old, smacks the older upside the head and the candy-coated moment is gone. Instantly replaced with fighting, crying, and screaming.

I sigh and roll my eyes. I save what I’d just typed on the mostly blank computer screen. Trying to not be annoyed as I wish I weren’t disrupted. AGAIN. And knowing my train of thought would dissolve in the morning sun as soon as I opened the screen door to both soothe and reprimand my little Ethiopian loves.

We have six kids, so rarely is there a quiet and serene moment.

Rarely can I complete a task in one sitting. Sometimes, I don’t complete it at all. Long is my list of to-dos: meals to make and laundry to fold … blog posts to write.

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The question that constantly parades through my thoughts, how on earth can I do it all? Well, simply put … I can’t. And neither can you.

It doesn’t matter if you have six kids like I do, or simply one. Or maybe you don’t even have kids, but your commitments pull at you from all directions.

Here’s my advice to you. Give up.

Wait! Don’t quit reading! Just bear with me another minute.

(click here to read the rest of the post...)

take joy-signature-new-pink