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{amazing} gluten free banana bread


So...I just finished my 3-day juice cleanse and was yearning to bake. We never get to make banana bread at our house because my children are like monkeys and though I buy at least 3 bunches of bananas a week, they are eaten far too fast for them to get soft enough to use.

I'm super excited they were busy eating all the berries & watermelon I bought this week that they neglected the bananas.

banana bread 1

Mash soft bananas and add in eggs, sugar, oil & vanilla. Mix well.

banana bread 2

In a separate bowl, gently whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.

Pour wet ingredients into dry & mix just enough until incorporated.





I despise bananas and joke that I'm "psychologically allergic" to them. But ohhh, a warm slice of banana bread? There's just something so yummy about that.

{I never claimed to make much sense}



{I took a photo of this recipe & don't remember where I found it. Wish I could give credit where it's due!}

Do you bake gluten free? What are your favorite recipes??

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