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a stacked cake & ribbon bunting | laith's 4th birthday

Every year, I make the kids a birthday cake in their favorite color.

Last year, Laith was all about yellow. He didn't eat it, play with it, or talk about it if it was another color {he's obviously my creative one}.

This year however, he's into too many colors to be able to make a decision.

So I surprised him first with this for breakfast...

...and this for when our celebration really began!


 A little blue, a little green, a little turquoise {and still a touch of yellow}.

I only have 2 round cake pans {i've decided i need more} so I made two layers last night and two this morning. Next time, I'd like to double the recipe and dye the batter all at the same time so I know all 4 layers are different colors. I think I'm the only one that noticed that 2 of the layers were basically the same hue.

The kids thought it was cool that I used the exact same color for it all...just depended on how much I put in for it to look greenish, blueish, dark, or light.

I'm loving the ribbon bunting on top. This is probably the last year he'll be ok with doing something sweet. I'm sure by next year it'll be all about sports or super heros, like his big brothers are.

I also love that it took me about 5 minutes to make the cute topping

...and I had everything on hand.

I grabbed 2 bbq skewers from the kitchen pantry and tied bakers twine around several times. {mine is from Martha Stewart but when it's gone, I'm planning on ordering from here}

Grab coordinating ribbon and tie it any way you like.

I wanted variety so the ribbon is tied a few different ways, as well as the bottoms cut differently: diagonally, straight, and some in the traditional v-shape.

I'm sorry but how cute is he?? This morning Anton {who's 5} called down the stairs, "Laaaaaith...what do you want me to wear? Come pick out some handsome clothes for me."

That's my boys. I've prayed since I became pregnant with Laith that they would have a relationship like twins since they're so close in age. I think they have as close of one as we can get. They're almost inseparable and would do anything for the other.

All day he kept informing all of us that he was "boss of his own birthday." Love that.

It's truly sad how much of this cake I've eaten. I'm not a big sweets person but cake

...ohhhhhh cake {daddy, you know I got that from you}.

After our bellies were full, we ran across the street to the park with Laith's special request: silly string.

I keep forgetting that Imani isn't a baby anymore and wants to do everything her big brothers do. Needless to say, I didn't even think to buy her a can. She was not too happy with me. Thankfully the boys shared...for about a millisecond.

They were squealing with such delight that the older gentleman who's home backs up to the park, kept peering out his window. Was he upset at the noise or enjoying their excitement? Not sure.

Such inexpensive enjoyment.

Our daughter is so attractive isn't she? Ezekiel taught her how to do a "monster face"

...thank you Ezekiel, these photos will be so very helpful once she starts dating.

Oh my sweet love. Laith, you are truly a blessing from above.

My baby is 4. Not sure I'm completely ok with that.

But buddy, we sure do love you.

. . . . .

... what birthday traditions do you have in your house? ...