Hey! It's Teresa

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an (amazing) new blog I'm Contributing for!!

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GLOW: live as light is a brand new Christian Lifestyle blog designed to encourage and lift up women as we live in The Light.

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.”

|| Ephesians 5:8 NIV ||


Alyssa (founder of Glow, read her story here) felt the Lord pressing her to reach women in a way where they could come together, share ideas, feelings, and thoughts.

What started as a desire to encourage women in their walk with Christ opened the door to a full-blown blogging community.

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Glow posts daily devotionals, thoughts, and more, from women from across the nation (and soon clear from Africa...read Amanda's story here).



I will Contribute from time to time and am over-the-moon excited to be counted as one of these women who strives to be transparent and encouraging through life's joys and struggles.

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So join us today...my first Contributing Post has gone live!

Check it out here!! xo

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Follow Glow: live as light via InstagramFacebook, or Twitter!

(I especially love their Instagram feed)

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