Hey! It's Teresa

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1st day of school & checking my attitude

Ahhhhhh the 1st day of school. What a jumble of emotion: excitement & anxiety all rolled up together. Not only on the kids side, but mine too.

Do you have high hopes for that big day, wanting to make it as fun and special as you can? I sure do. I'm realizing more and more what a control freak I am about some things, sigh. And I don't like it.

I had found these 1st day of school printables over at a blog I follow called, How Does She? And had such great plans to use them every single year and make a photo book when they're older.

...but my printer wouldn't work that morning. So here we are, the very 1st day of school and I'm extremely upset at myself for leaving something 'till the last minute {again}. I'm muttering under my breath {well, maybe not so much muttering as hoping no one is close enough to hear}, frustrated, and trying to figure out my s.t.u.p.i.d printer isn't doing it's job.

I looked over at Ezekiel. Then at Anton, as they both stood there by the door, shoes & backpacks on, with quizzical looks in their eyes. Is this really how I want 2nd grade and Kindergarden to begin? With mommy having a bad attitude and sucking all the excitement out of the morning?

. . . sigh . no . . .

I scolded myself. And hugged them both, saying Mommy sometimes gets grumpy when things don't go as I plan and that I'm sorry. I make bad decisions too. Will they forgive me?

 They of course, didn't understand what the big deal was in the first place and gave me a kiss and a smile as they handed me the camera.

Ok, perhaps they don't have a silly sign that says what grade they're going into. Ultimately, who cares?

My kids know I love them. And that try my best. I try to add fun and creativity into their day-to-day, but sometimes like in everyone's lives, things don't always go as planned.


I had such high hopes for lunch, too. I couldn't wait for them to open up their lunch box and giggle as they saw what I had lovingly placed inside.

But when you have 4 kids and a husband getting out the door, sometimes only the necessities get done.

Clean underwear? Check. Breakfast wiped off your face? Check. {sometimes that's all I ask}


I did get this far. Ezekiel got a special 2nd grade sandwich, Anton got a star {wish I had a "K" for kindergarden}.


I had hoped to wrap their sandwiches with this cute little printable, but alas. My stupid printer just wanted to sit there. And not work.

But that's ok. I'm over it. We had a fun morning once I got over myself and apologized to the kids. We parked a few blocks away from school on purpose, so we'd have a chance to walk together and talk. Laith & Imani picked dandelions and wanted me to wear them in my hair. THAT'S how the 1st day of school is supposed to be...

Talking, laughing, sharing, dandelions and goofiness, getting the jitters out...and preparing them for a fun year of learning and new friends.

I'm glad I got over myself, and remembered things don't have to be perfect...to be perfect.